How to manage Anxiety with Mindfulness and Breathing Exercises?


29 May 2020
4 pm – 5pm
Not Recurring

In this event you will learn practical techniques to manage anxiety through mindfulness and breathing.

In this event you will learn practical techniques to manage anxiety through mindfulness and breathing.

Anxiety has become a more familiar feeling for adults and even children worldwide during these challenging times. It brings a state of frequently being ‘on alert’ which does not go away easily. It is our body’s way of saying, ‘I’m experiencing too much stress all at once.’

If you or someone you know is experiencing anxiety, and want to learn how to manage it better, join our next ZOOM webinar that we are running in partnership with DWB webinar on Zoom.

Anxiety is a natural part of our cognitive state, but it can be triggered into overdrive by stresses such as change, uncertainty, thoughts, emotions and even incorrect breathing.

Join us to learn go-to techniques to manage anxiety better by discovering the science behind it. In this online workshop you will:

• Understand anxiety inducing thoughts, emotions and story-lines and learn how to observe and calm your swirling mind.

• Breathe with awareness and intention.

• Connect to your body and physical sensations.

• Practice kindness and self-compassion.

• Learn how anxiety can be your friend when managed carefully with the right tools.


This session will be led by Melike Hussein - a Certified Transformational Conscious Breathing ® Coach and Mindfulness-at-Work Trainer.

Melike is also the founder of Breathzone. She works with individuals, public and companies, helping her clients thrive through practical applications of Conscious Breathing and Mindfulness.

Please visit for more information about Melike and access free resources available.


I am also pleased to announce that all profits will go to an amazing charity to help and support children’s mental health at schools as we believe no child should suffer mental health issues alone.


• Melike’s session will be followed by a Q&A.

• In parts of the session, you will be lying down so please have a quiet and comfortable space preferably with a mat, pillow and a blanket.

• Headphones may help you to have a more immersive experience.

• No previous breathwork or mindfulness experience will be needed and it is suitable for ages over 14.

• Please contact your facilitator at should you require further information.